Are people really bookmarking sites?

A seemingly insignificant function on ListSurfing and many other traffic exchanges is the ability to “bookmark” sites as you surf. Bookmarking allows you to save a site that you visit while surfing so that later on, whenever you wish, you can revisit that site. Sometimes you may see a product that interests you or a cool video that you want to show people later that day – click bookmark and check back later!

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Feature: Bookmark the sites you want to revisit

As you see on a couple other traffic exchanges such as Sweeva where you can ‘bookmark’ a site as you surf, we thought it would be a great addition to add on ListSurfing. Too many times while surfing you may land on a website that you’d like to check out further but you may not have the time at that very moment. So, what better way than to save it for later? Now you can.

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